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The effect of oxidative environment on immunosuppressive properties of human seminal plasma.

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Results: Significant high levels of oxidized proteins were found in SP from asthenozoospermic patients. There was a significant difference (P 0.05) between lymphocyte proliferation in the presence of SP from normozoospermic and asthenozoospermic group compared to the fertile donor group. Oxidized human SP in vitro allows for higher lymphocyte proliferation than non-oxidized SP.

Conclusion: Significant high levels of oxidized proteins were found in SP from asthenozoospermic patients. There was a significant difference (P 0.05) between lymphocyte proliferation in the presence of SP from normozoospermic and asthenozoospermic group compared to the fertile donor group. Oxidized human SP in vitro allows for higher lymphocyte proliferation than non-oxidized SP.

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