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The group investigates cellular immunity against viral infections, in particular in hosts with compromised immunity, to determine the epigenetic mechanisms that regulate cellular immunity

The cohorts analysed in its studies include HIV-infected individuals (with early HIV infection and with controlled and uncontrolled HIV infection) and non-HIV-infected individuals who have received solid organ transplants or who have been diagnosed with viral-driven cancers, such as EBV lymphoma and HPV-driven cancer. The group also explores different avenues to identify immunological correlates of HIV control in natural infection, aiming to identify markers associated with HIV-related neurofunctional defects. These specific signatures are compared to those observed in SARS-CoV-2 infection, especially in post-COVID-19 individuals with neurological manifestations. Studies also include detailed analyses of the T-cell receptor repertoire of specific T-cell responses to viral infections, with the goal of determining response molecular ontogeny and understanding cell transcriptional programmes. The ultimate aim is to develop vaccination strategies that induce robust, long-lasting, and effective antiviral immunity.

Christian Brander
Principal investigator
Christian Brander
Christian Brander graduated from the University of Bern in 1994 with a PhD in Immunology, having studied exogenous antigen re-presentation on HLA class and T-cell-mediated hyper-reactivity to…
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