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Impact of intensification with raltegravir on HIV-1-infected individuals receiving monotherapy with boosted PIs.

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Background: Monotherapy with ritonavir-boosted PIs (PI/r) has been used to simplify treatment of HIV-1-infected patients. In previous studies raltegravir intensification evidenced ongoing viral replication and reduced T cell activation, preferentially in subjects receiving PI-based triple ART. However, data about low-level viral replication and its consequences in patients receiving PI/r monotherapy are scarce.

Methods: We evaluated the impact of 24 weeks of intensification with raltegravir on markers of viral persistence, cellular immune activation and inflammation biomarkers in 33 patients receiving maintenance PI/r monotherapy with darunavir or lopinavir boosted with ritonavir. identifier: NCT01480713.

Results: The addition of raltegravir to PI/r monotherapy resulted in a transient increase in 2-LTR (long-terminal repeat) circles in a significant proportion of participants, along with decreases in CD8+ T cell activation levels and a temporary increase in the expression of the exhaustion marker CTLA-4 in peripheral T lymphocytes. Intensification with raltegravir also reduced the number of samples with intermediate levels of residual viraemia (10-60 HIV-1 RNA copies/mL) compared with samples taken during PI/r monotherapy. However, there were no changes in cell-associated HIV-1 DNA in peripheral CD4+ T cells or soluble inflammatory biomarkers (CD14, IP-10, IL-6, C-reactive protein and D-dimer).

Conclusion: The addition of raltegravir to PI/r monotherapy resulted in a transient increase in 2-LTR (long-terminal repeat) circles in a significant proportion of participants, along with decreases in CD8+ T cell activation levels and a temporary increase in the expression of the exhaustion marker CTLA-4 in peripheral T lymphocytes. Intensification with raltegravir also reduced the number of samples with intermediate levels of residual viraemia (10-60 HIV-1 RNA copies/mL) compared with samples taken during PI/r monotherapy. However, there were no changes in cell-associated HIV-1 DNA in peripheral CD4+ T cells or soluble inflammatory biomarkers (CD14, IP-10, IL-6, C-reactive protein and D-dimer).

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