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Standard vaccines increase HIV-1 transcription during antiretroviral therapy.

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Methods: Twenty-six HIV-infected individuals on suppressive antiretroviral therapy were randomized to receive a vaccination schedule (n = 13) or placebo (n = 13). Cell-associated RNA and DNA were extracted from peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and HIV was quantified by droplet digital PCR using primers for gag and 2-LTR (for HIV DNA), unspliced gag RNA (gag usRNA), multispliced tat-rev RNA (tat-rev msRNA) and polyA mRNA.

Results: Significant increases in gag usRNA after influenza/hepatitis B vaccination (P = 0.02) and in gag usRNA (P = 0.04) and polyA mRNA (P = 0.04) after pneumococcus/hepatitis B vaccination were seen in vaccinees but not controls. HIV DNA and plasma HIV RNA did not change in either group. Increases in CD4 and CD8 T-cell activation markers (P = 0.08 and P  0.001, respectively) and HIV-specific CD8 responses (P = 0.04 for p24 gag, P = 0.01 for p17 gag and P = 0.04 for total gag) were seen in vaccinees but not controls.

Conclusion: Significant increases in gag usRNA after influenza/hepatitis B vaccination (P = 0.02) and in gag usRNA (P = 0.04) and polyA mRNA (P = 0.04) after pneumococcus/hepatitis B vaccination were seen in vaccinees but not controls. HIV DNA and plasma HIV RNA did not change in either group. Increases in CD4 and CD8 T-cell activation markers (P = 0.08 and P  0.001, respectively) and HIV-specific CD8 responses (P = 0.04 for p24 gag, P = 0.01 for p17 gag and P = 0.04 for total gag) were seen in vaccinees but not controls.

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