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Partial immunological and mitochondrial recovery after reducing didanosine doses in patients on didanosine and tenofovir-based regimens.

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Background: Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) has a safe toxicity profile; however, administration together with didanosine (ddl) increases ddl levels causing mitochondrial damage and CD4+ T-cell decline. We assessed whether a simple reduction of the ddl dose in patients receiving ddl (400 mg/day) and TDF could revert this side effect.

Methods: Immunological and mitochondrial changes were analysed in 20 patients at baseline, after 14 months of receiving ddl (400 mg/day), TDF (300 mg/day) and nevirapine (NVP; 400 mg/day) and 14 months after a ddl dose reduction to 250 mg/day. Immunological analyses measured CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell counts and mitochondrial studies in peripheral blood mononuclear cells assessed mitochondrial DNA content by quantitative real-time PCR, cytochrome c oxidase (COX) activity by spectrophotometry and mitochondrial protein synthesis (COX-II versus beta-actin or COX-IV expression) by western blot.

Results: Treatment with TDF, ddl (400 mg/day) and NVP for 14 months produced significant decreases in mitochondrial parameters and CD4+ T-cell counts. The reduction in ddl dose resulted in mitochondrial DNA recovery; however, the remaining mitochondrial parameters remained significantly decreased. Levels of CD4+ T-cells were partially restored in 35% of patients. Subjects presenting a significant reduction in CD4+ T-cells during the high ddl dose period showed greater mitochondrial impairment in this stage and better mitochondrial and immunological recovery after drug reduction.

Conclusion: Treatment with TDF, ddl (400 mg/day) and NVP for 14 months produced significant decreases in mitochondrial parameters and CD4+ T-cell counts. The reduction in ddl dose resulted in mitochondrial DNA recovery; however, the remaining mitochondrial parameters remained significantly decreased. Levels of CD4+ T-cells were partially restored in 35% of patients. Subjects presenting a significant reduction in CD4+ T-cells during the high ddl dose period showed greater mitochondrial impairment in this stage and better mitochondrial and immunological recovery after drug reduction.

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