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Condolences for the death of Carlos Blázquez Bondia


The people who are part of the IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute want to express our sincere condolences for the loss of the researcher Carlos Blázquez Bondia, who has left us before his time, filling us with sadness.

Carlos was investigating the evolution of the intestinal microbiome throughout HIV infection in the Microbial Genomics research group of IrsiCaixa, where he contributed with his knowledge in bioinformatics.

Those of us who worked with him daily will remember Carlos, in addition to being an excellent colleague and researcher, as the magnificent person he was inside and outside IrsiCaixa: full of generosity and kindness, with a smile for everyone and a positive attitude.

With saddened hearts, we convey our deepest condolences to all the people who, like us, loved Carlos. Our thoughts are with all of them.

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