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Transient increment of HTLV-2 proviral load in HIV-1-co-infected patients during treatment intensification with raltegravir.

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Background: Numerous studies have analyzed the effects of raltegravir intensification on HIV-1 viral replication in infected individuals receiving suppressive combined antiretroviral treatment (cART). Nevertheless, there are only two studies on the effect of raltegravir in HTLV-1 infection, and none in HTLV-2.

Results: HTLV-2 proviral load significantly increased at week 24 compared to baseline among all the patients who received raltegravir (p=0.003), while no significant increases were found in the control group. No significant variation in either CD8 or CD4 counts was found during the follow up in both groups.

Conclusion: HTLV-2 proviral load significantly increased at week 24 compared to baseline among all the patients who received raltegravir (p=0.003), while no significant increases were found in the control group. No significant variation in either CD8 or CD4 counts was found during the follow up in both groups.

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