El conocimiento generado en IrsiCaixa se comparte con la comunidad científica a través de la publicación de artículos en revistas científicas de alto impacto.

Might Grant a Better Prognosis to Glioblastoma by Exerting Less Biological Effect on Telomeres and Chromosomes Than the C228T Mutation.
Converging and evolving immuno-genomic routes toward immune escape in breast cancer.
Virus-like particle-mediated delivery of structure-selected neoantigens demonstrates immunogenicity and antitumoral activity in mice.
Alanine-based spacers promote an efficient antigen processing and presentation in neoantigen polypeptide vaccines.
Gal-1 Expression Analysis in the GLIOCAT Multicenter Study: Role as a Prognostic Factor and an Immune-Suppressive Biomarker.
In silico validation of RNA-Seq results can identify gene fusions with oncogenic potential in glioblastoma.
Dual Role of Integrin Alpha-6 in Glioblastoma: Supporting Stemness in Proneural Stem-Like Cells While Inducing Radioresistance in Mesenchymal Stem-Like Cells.
Stanzani E, Pedrosa L, Bourmeau G, Anezo O, Noguera-Castells A, Esteve-Codina A, Passoni L, Matteoli M, de la Iglesia N, Seano G, Martínez-Soler F, Tortosa A.
PMID: 34205341RNA sequencing and Immunohistochemistry Reveal ZFN7 as a Stronger Marker of Survival than Molecular Subtypes in G-CIMP-negative Glioblastoma.
Glioblastoma TCGA Mesenchymal and IGS 23 Tumors are Identifiable by IHC and have an Immune-phenotype Indicating a Potential Benefit from Immunotherapy.
Radioresistance of mesenchymal glioblastoma initiating cells correlates with patient outcome and is associated with activation of inflammatory program.