El conocimiento generado en IrsiCaixa se comparte con la comunidad científica a través de la publicación de artículos en revistas científicas de alto impacto.

Author Correction: Sustained aviremia despite anti-retroviral therapy non-adherence in male children after in utero HIV transmission.
Assessing advances in three decades of clinical antiretroviral therapy on the HIV-1 reservoir.
Impact of Dolutegravir plus Lamivudine as First-Line Antiretroviral Treatment on HIV-1 Reservoir and Inflammatory Markers in Peripheral Blood.
Host genetic and immune factors drive evasion of HIV-1 pathogenesis in viremic non-progressors.
Sustained aviraemia despite anti-retroviral therapy non-adherence in male children following in utero hiv transmission.
Altered T-cell subset distribution in the viral reservoir in HIV-1-infected individuals with extremely low proviral DNA.
Robust HIV-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses distinguish the rare phenotype of elite control in adolescents living with HIV from viraemic non-progressors.
Early initiation of antiretroviral therapy following in utero HIV infection is associated with low viral reservoirs but other factors determine subsequent plasma viral rebound.
Erratum for Puertas et al., "VIP-SPOT: an Innovative Assay To Quantify the Productive HIV-1 Reservoir in the Monitoring of Cure Strategies".
VIP-SPOT: an Innovative Assay To Quantify the Productive HIV-1 Reservoir in the Monitoring of Cure Strategies.