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Integrase resistance emergence with dolutegravir/lamivudine with prior HIV-1 suppression.

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Methods: Clinical case report.

Results: A patient with long-term suppressed HIV-1 viraemia (50 copies/mL) with no known risk factors for virological failure and never exposed previously to an integrase inhibitor developed virological failure (consecutive plasma HIV-1 RNA 149 and 272 copies/mL) with 322 CD4 cells/mm3 despite good treatment adherence. He was receiving the anticonvulsant clobazam, considered to have a potential weak interaction with dolutegravir, unlikely to require a dose adjustment. Plasma HIV-1 genotypic deep sequencing (Vela System) revealed the emergence of R263K (79.6%) and S230N (99.4%) mutations in the integrase region (intermediate resistance to dolutegravir, score = 30 Stanford HIVDB 9.0). The reverse transcriptase and protease regions could not be amplified due to low viral loads. PBMC DNA deep sequencing performed some months later revealed mutations M184I (14.29%) and M230I (6.25%) in the reverse transcriptase and G163R (9.77%) and S230N (98.8%) in the integrase. R263K was only found at extremely low levels (0.07%).

Conclusion: A patient with long-term suppressed HIV-1 viraemia (50 copies/mL) with no known risk factors for virological failure and never exposed previously to an integrase inhibitor developed virological failure (consecutive plasma HIV-1 RNA 149 and 272 copies/mL) with 322 CD4 cells/mm3 despite good treatment adherence. He was receiving the anticonvulsant clobazam, considered to have a potential weak interaction with dolutegravir, unlikely to require a dose adjustment. Plasma HIV-1 genotypic deep sequencing (Vela System) revealed the emergence of R263K (79.6%) and S230N (99.4%) mutations in the integrase region (intermediate resistance to dolutegravir, score = 30 Stanford HIVDB 9.0). The reverse transcriptase and protease regions could not be amplified due to low viral loads. PBMC DNA deep sequencing performed some months later revealed mutations M184I (14.29%) and M230I (6.25%) in the reverse transcriptase and G163R (9.77%) and S230N (98.8%) in the integrase. R263K was only found at extremely low levels (0.07%).

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