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Antiretroviral treatment simplification with nevirapine in protease inhibitor-experienced patients with hiv-associated lipodystrophy: 1-year prospective follow-up of a multicenter, randomized, controlled study.

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Background: Simpler and less toxic antiretroviral strategies are needed to maximize treatment compliance without sacrificing potency, at least for drug-experienced HIV-infected patients currently on regimens containing protease inhibitors (PIs). Small nonrandomized studies have suggested a beneficial role of PI-sparing regimens on lipodystrophy.

Results: At week 48, an HIV-1 RNA level 400 copies/ml was maintained in 79% and 77% of patients in Groups A and B, respectively, whereas 74% and 72% of patients had viral load levels 50 copies/ml. Absolute CD4+ counts significantly increased in both groups compared with baseline values, and a significant decrease in CD38+CD8+ cells was observed in Group A (p .01) but not in group B. Overall, no significant changes in anthropometric or body shape measurements were found after 48 weeks. Fasting total cholesterol and triglyceride levels decreased in Group A (but not in Group B) compared with baseline values (p .05), although no significant differences were seen between groups at the end of the study. Subjects in Group A reported a better quality of life (QOL) index than controls (p .001), with the main reason reported being the greater simplicity of the new drug regimen.

Conclusion: At week 48, an HIV-1 RNA level 400 copies/ml was maintained in 79% and 77% of patients in Groups A and B, respectively, whereas 74% and 72% of patients had viral load levels 50 copies/ml. Absolute CD4+ counts significantly increased in both groups compared with baseline values, and a significant decrease in CD38+CD8+ cells was observed in Group A (p .01) but not in group B. Overall, no significant changes in anthropometric or body shape measurements were found after 48 weeks. Fasting total cholesterol and triglyceride levels decreased in Group A (but not in Group B) compared with baseline values (p .05), although no significant differences were seen between groups at the end of the study. Subjects in Group A reported a better quality of life (QOL) index than controls (p .001), with the main reason reported being the greater simplicity of the new drug regimen.

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