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Igor Moraes Cardoso

Predoctoral researcher

In 2019, Igor graduated in Biology at Federal Fluminense University (UFF), in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). During his bachelors, he did a research internship at Fiocruz, focusing his work on the immunopathogenesis of HIV-1. Passioned about immunology, in 2022 Igor did a Masters of Science on Vaccinology, in an international cooperation between Spain, Belgium and France, as an Erasmus Mundus fellow student. During this period, he pursued an internship at Janssen Vaccines (Netherlands), where he focused his master thesis on cellular immune responses post-vaccination.

Following his ambition to put both fields of virology and vaccinology together, Igor is currently a pre-doctoral researcher at IrsiCaixa, enrolled at the Advanced Immunology doctoral programme - UAB (Autonomous University of Barcelona). At IrsiCaixa, Igor is part of the Host Genetics and Cellular Immunity group, lead by Christian Brander, where he is currently working on the clinical and pre-clinical immune monitoring of HIV therapeutic vaccines.

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