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Expansion of interferon-γ-secreting HIV-specific T cells during successful antiretroviral therapy.

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Methods: Using interferon (IFN)-γ enzyme linked immuno spot (ELISpot), we performed retrospective 2-year proteome-wide monitoring of HIV-specific T cells in 17 individuals with undetectable viral loads during ART. The sample pool for each study subject consisted of one pre-ART time-point and at least two time-points after initiation of therapy.

Results: Peripheral pools of HIV-specific T cells decreased nonsignificantly within the first 2 years under ART in our cohort of patients, in terms of both breadth and magnitude. However, in most cases, the seeming decrease masked ongoing expansion of individual HIV-specific T-cell responses. We detected synchronous contraction and expansion of T-cell responses - with different peptide specificities - in 12 out of 17 study participants during follow-up. Importantly, the observed expansions and contractions of individual HIV-specific T-cell responses reached similar ranges, supporting the biological relevance of our findings.

Conclusion: Peripheral pools of HIV-specific T cells decreased nonsignificantly within the first 2 years under ART in our cohort of patients, in terms of both breadth and magnitude. However, in most cases, the seeming decrease masked ongoing expansion of individual HIV-specific T-cell responses. We detected synchronous contraction and expansion of T-cell responses - with different peptide specificities - in 12 out of 17 study participants during follow-up. Importantly, the observed expansions and contractions of individual HIV-specific T-cell responses reached similar ranges, supporting the biological relevance of our findings.

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