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Single oral dose of maraviroc does not prevent ex-vivo HIV infection of rectal mucosa in HIV-1 negative human volunteers.

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Results: Ex-vivo rectal tissue protection with MVC was incomplete in all but two participants, whereas TDF/FTC avoided ex-vivo infection in the two controls. Median dose-normalized concentration of MVC was significantly higher in rectal tissue than in plasma (561.1 and 155.1 ng/ml, respectively). A significant loss of MVC during the virus incubation (about 60%) and a low CCR5 occupancy (approximately 45%) were detected in rectal cells.

Conclusion: Ex-vivo rectal tissue protection with MVC was incomplete in all but two participants, whereas TDF/FTC avoided ex-vivo infection in the two controls. Median dose-normalized concentration of MVC was significantly higher in rectal tissue than in plasma (561.1 and 155.1 ng/ml, respectively). A significant loss of MVC during the virus incubation (about 60%) and a low CCR5 occupancy (approximately 45%) were detected in rectal cells.

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